
Friday, May 21, 2021


 Hey bloggers 

On Wednesday we did science, our task was we had to drop an egg from a certain height and try and make it not crack. We had to do this by using the materials we were given, The materials we were allowed to use were:

  • 3 Pieces of A4 paper
  • 1 piece of A4 paper to sketch our idea
  • 1 A5 piece of cardboard paper
  • Plastic bag
  • Wool
  • Tape 

Our idea was to rip and scrunch up our A4 paper and put it in our plastic bag, we then wrapped the egg up in the cardboard paper and we used tape to seal it up. We then put the cardboard paper (with the egg inside) in the plastic bag we then tied up the plastic bag and taped the handles together. We then used the remaining string and tape to wrap it up nicely.I was in a group with Tayla B, Tayla K, Valley rose and Sophia D. Here is my slide I hope you enjoy. 


Have you ever done a egg drop at school?