
Tuesday, May 15, 2018

private vs public info


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  2. Hello everyone if you like Olivia's blog you well love mine check it out
    bye see you soon my blog

    1. Have you checked out my blog well hope on now

  3. Kia ora olivia I am Tayla from Marshland School I had a look at your blog today and I really liked your private vs public info post. The thing I like about it is it is really helpful for people that don’t know what they can share and can not share.Next time you should take away the sign saying click to make a copy did you know I made one of those as well it was pretty fun to make.And why did you put how much brothers and sisters you have in private keep out!!!

  4. Kia Ora Olivia, I am Katrina from Red Hill School I like how you did your private vs public I did one before and it was so easy but I enjoyed looking through your private vs public it looks so cool and I like how you got the blogger logo on it I was wondering if you could try and move the mobile phone a little more because it looks like it is off the edge of the page of your paper and it is really important to keep your password and home address private all times never tell your friends or strangers.


    1. Hello Katrina thank you very much for commenting on my blog and thank for telling me about the phone I will try and fix it soon


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