
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Friday 24 2020 Tasks

hey bloggers today I made some guess the emojis and a Anzac poppy from home, enjoy.

How I made the poppy was I cut up a new world bag into a circal and took the black piece from the inside and cut that into a smaller circal,then I  grabbed a nail and hammered it to a piece of wood        ( Don't get your fingers). and then for the guess the emojis I just made some phrases of  things and turned them into emojis.Do you know the emojis? let me know, and tell me if you have made a homemade Anzac poppy before? Tell me.See you next time I post,and don't forget to stay at home and stay safe,Bye.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Bubble Photos

Hey Bloggers

Today I took some photos of things in my bubble.How I made the circle was I got a toilet paper roll (with no toilet paper on it) and cut a quarter of it with scissors (be careful of sharp things) and then just take photos of things. Hope you like my photos,enjoy.
Do you have any pets? See you next time I post,Bye.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

How Far Is Two Meters

Hey Bloggers

 This week I made something to know how far two meters out of things I found around my house,here is so hope you enjoy.

Did you enjoy it?.See you next time I post stay safe,Bye.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

My Lock Down Schedule

Hey Bloggers 

Today I made a schedule on what I am Doing everyday and a what times so I hope you enjoy.
Sorry if you cant see it very well you might have to zoom in a little if you cant read it.Have you ever made a schedule?.See you next time I post, Bye 

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

My walk with my family

Hey Bloggers

Today I went for a walk with.
  • ( My Brother ) Thomas
  • ( My Brother ) Logan
  • Me
as you can see we went on a walk to the dairy and we had a lot of fun.See you next time I post,Bye

Pick a path story

Hey Bloggers

Today I made a pick a path for the first time for one of my Covid 19 school activity's and I had a lot of fun making this so I hope you like it enjoy. My pick a path

Have you ever made a pick a path?. See you next time I post,Bye.

The Girl And The Magical Shoes

Hey Bloggers

To day I had a task to make a book cover and back blurb so I didn't really know what to do it on so hope you like it enjoy.

So as can see I did my book cover and back blurd on a little girl with magical shoes I hoped you liked it. Have you ever done something like this before?.See you next time I post,Bye.


Hey Bloggers

Today I played a board game called ClueDo with my.

  • ( My Brother ) Thomas
  • ( My Brother ) Logan
  • Me
So we had a lot of fun playing ClueDo and here are some pictures from it enjoy.

So my brothers both guessed who did it wrong so I won by default buy it still counts and
 we had a lot of fun playing together.See you next time I post,Bye.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Thea Stilton

Hey Bloggers

Today I finished Thea Stilton And The Journey To Atlantis, I had a task to read for 30 minutes. So I will tell you a little bit about it but not ruining it for you, enjoy.

 At the beach by Mouseford Academy, one of the Thea Sisters discovers a mysterious boy with blue skin washed up on the beach. He speaks an unfamiliar language its like music but they have never heard anything like it, so the Thea Sisters call Thea Stilton to help figure out how to communicate with him.

Have you heard of Thea Stilton? tell me.See you next time I post,Bye.


Hey Bloggers

Today I played kahoot with my family and we played four rounds but I only took pictures of the first round sorry but I do have the scores.

  • ( Round One)  Mum/Pam
  • ( Round Two ) Thomas
  • ( Round Three ) Olivia
  • ( Round Four ) Logan
So as you can see my whole family won one round so we all had fun enjoy the pictures.

Sorry I didnt have very meany photos.Have you ever played kahoot? If so tell me,See you next time I post Bye.

Cooking Family Dinner

Hey Bloggers

Today I made dinner for me and my mum sadly my brothers didn't like the food I made so just me and my mum had it, I almost forgot to tell you what I made I made spaghetti bolognese and it was so good and we had some left for the next day.I forgot to take pictures well I was making dinner because I was cooking it all by my self and I didn't want to burn any thing sorry but I did take a picture of the end product but I had already mixed everything together so it doesn't look too yummy but it was so good so hope you enjoy the picture.
Have you ever made dinner? let me know,See you next time I post,Bye. 

My walk with my family

Kia Ora, Bloggers

Today I went on a walk with my.

  •  Mum
  • Logan 
  • Thomas 
  • Me  
We had a really fun walk in the sunshine and we enjoyed having all the teddy bears to look at in everybody's houses.

For one of my activities we had to go on a walk,run or bike with our isolated family so this was perfect timing. so I decided to route it as the task said to do so here is my route. 

Sorry my lines are so wobbly, but what you see is we went around the block and we had lots of fun as a family.
Do you have a teddy bear in your window? I do. See you next time I post,Bye.