
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Friday 24 2020 Tasks

hey bloggers today I made some guess the emojis and a Anzac poppy from home, enjoy.

How I made the poppy was I cut up a new world bag into a circal and took the black piece from the inside and cut that into a smaller circal,then I  grabbed a nail and hammered it to a piece of wood        ( Don't get your fingers). and then for the guess the emojis I just made some phrases of  things and turned them into emojis.Do you know the emojis? let me know, and tell me if you have made a homemade Anzac poppy before? Tell me.See you next time I post,and don't forget to stay at home and stay safe,Bye.


  1. Hey Olivia, nice work! I love your poppy and think it's so cool that you made it out of a New World bag. It looks great out by your letterbox! Your guess the emojis are really cool too. My guesses are - scaredy cat, barking up the wrong tree, raining cats and dogs, crocodile tears, fish out of water and piece of cake. How did I do? Don't forget to proofread your post, double checking your spelling and capital letters. I hope you're having a great week. Keep up the great work. Caitlin :)

  2. Hi Olivia You puppy is really cool. Maybe next time you could add the answers to the emojis.And I got most of the emojis.


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