
Friday, May 1, 2020

Technology Sewing

Hey bloggers Today I made a bag from an old pillow case that my Nana  had so here it is, Enjoy.

How I made the bag was I cut up a old pillow case and then sewed up the sides then I sewed on the buttons and cut the holes the buttons went through.Have you ever made a bag before? tell me.see you next time I post,Don't forget to stay safe and at home,Bye.


  1. Hey Olivia, this is a cute wee bag, well done. I hope that you have shared your creation with your fabric teacher at Christchurch East school. Did you hand sew it, or use a sewing machine? I have made many things before, including make up bags, and lots of things for my children.

  2. Hi Olivia Wish I could sew a bag But I can't say to much we have textiles in term 3-4 so bye Olivia
    -your friend in 7Pa Rosara


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